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Report and Recommendations

A patchwork of differences in initial admission, reciprocity, federal practice, transactional practices, along with the ability to electronically be in touch with all geographical areas of the nation as well as the entire globe have contributed to bring New Mexico and the national bar to face the ever-more pressing need to seek solutions for multijurisdictional practice (MJP). Nationwide there currently exists vague state rules creating uncertainty for attorneys and their clients.

Appointed by David N. Hernandez, President of the State Bar of New Mexico (2001), to address the issues and concerns and to review the impact of MJP in New Mexico, the members of the task force identified distinct areas of concern and designated three sub-committees to consider and make recommendations. Members of the multijurisdictional task force were: Carolyn A. Wolf and Jane Shuler Gray (Co-chairpersons), David Buchholtz, John Clough, Virginia Ferrara, Richard Gregory, Robert Heyman, Orlando Lucero, Michael Murphy, Nan Nash, Steve Shanor, Carol Skiba and Mary Torres.

Subject matter was assigned to the sub-committees as follows: (1) litigation and administrative issues; (2) attorney licensing and regulation issues; and (3) transactional practice. Each sub-committee submitted its report with recommendations.