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The information below consists of frequently asked questions from our attorneys. Click on the appropriate statement to review the information.
Email techsupport@sbnm.org.
1. Click on the following link: https://www.sbnm.org/Delete-Cookies. This will delete the cookies from our website. You may need to log back in to the website after clicking on the link.
If you still have further questions or need additional help, email techsupport@sbnm.org.
1. Read the rule regarding Inactive Status Members Rule 24-102.2 (A-F) NMRA.
2. Next go to the Licensing & Regulatory Page:
a. Click on the Inactive Application button.
b. Read the Benefits of Inactive Membership.
c. If Inactive Status is what you would like to do, click on the email address to receive an application.
i. The email will ask for your Name and Bar ID.
If you still have further questions or need additional help, call 505-797-6054 or email license@sbnm.org.
1. Login into your Member Dashboard from the State Bar website www.sbnm.org/mydashboard
2. Choose the transcript you need.
a. Compliance requirements are on the top of the page.
b. For explanations on how to read the transcriptions go www.sbnm.org.
The list will include all credits taken. You can enter the dates for the past 3 years or use the "find" option (Ctrl F) for PCs or (CMD F) for Macs to search for "Trust Account."
See Rule 17-204(C) NMRA - Every attorney subject to these rules shall, no less than once every three (3) years, attend a continuing legal education course approved for one (1) hour or more on the topic of client trust accounting procedures and maintenance.
1. Login into your Member Dashboard from the State Bar website www.sbnm.org/mydashboard.
2. Once logged in, look under My Account and choose Invoice History:
3. You can choose the invoice needed from there.
2. Once logged in, look under License Renewal, and choose Licensing Certification Receipts:
You can choose the Licensing Certification you need. Note: Certificates online only go back to 2022.
b. Current year will not appear until Licensing Certification is complete.
1. Email license@sbnm.org for MCLE requirements needed prior to reinstatement.
If you still have further questions or need additional help with reinstating, please email info@nmexam.org.
1. Email license@sbnm.org for MCLE requirements and/or Fees needed prior to reinstatement.
1. Read the rule regarding Withdrawn Status Rule 24-102.2 (G-H) NMRA.
a. Click on the Voluntary Withdrawal Request button.
b. Read the difference between going Inactive v. Withdrawing.
c. If Withdrawn Status is what you would like to do, click on the email address to receive an application.
3. **Note: Once withdrawn, if you ever choose to become licensed in New Mexico again, you will have to either retake the bar exam or apply under the reciprocity rule.